International Humanitarian Work Program

The UR International – International Relations & Partnerships Unit in collaboration with Tecnológico de Monterrey - Campus Hidalgo has developed an International Humanitarian Work Program where UR students provide assistance and aid to the families and children of marginalized communities of Hidalgo as well as engaging in sport activities such as friendly soccer matches and physical exercise. During their 15-day stay in the State of Hidalgo, the UR students engage in various social projects to promote social and civic engagement by developing skills that enable them to improve the educational level of the children of rural elementary schools of various communities. Through these programs U of R students live and study in a different country and learn a different culture, enhancing their international perspective and bringing internationalization to our campus.

Students post  their experiences on a blog and Tweeting about the Humanitarian Work Program from Mexico. To follow along with the conversation please visit the Cougars In Pachuca Blog or follow them on Twitter @UofRSoccer @uofrsoccer

International Humanitarian Work Program